Tuesday 3 December 2013

Travel Diary Part 1

Piazza San Marco

View from Piazza San Marco

At Mercato Rialto

St. Mark Basilica

Me relaxing ;-)

At Rialto Bridge

Having Sepe al nero

Pizza alle Vongole

View from Piazza San Marco

Appreciating the beauty of Venice


Easy walk

Piazza San Marco by night

Piazza San Marco by night

Strike a pose at Piazza San Marco by night
At the souvenir shop

When your in Venice, do as the Venetian do ;-)


Up the tower of San Marco

Hello Lovelies,

How's everyone? Hope you doing fine as always. As you noticed it has been quite a long time since my last blog posting as I was on a holiday with my friend. Been to 3 countries in Europe namely Italy, Germany, Austria mainly the cities of Venice, Munich, Vienna.

First stop was Venice.  Had already visited this city back in June 2011, with my husband. At that time was so impressed by La Serenissima:  Simply and heart rendingly beautiful. NO CARS, of course, which was great ;-)  Could you imagine a "floating city" ?  WOW!!  Stunning architecture, ornate history,  enchanting gondolas gliding over the canals, ubiquitous water taxis streaming busily: Fabulous !!  Piazza San Marco lit up for the night, ever so romantic; restaurants abounding with delicious Venetian sapori to the tune of lilting live music courtesy of the eateries' owners.  That and much much more.  So back again with a vengeance however this time with a bosom buddy who is a rather proficient photographer herself I must add.

Finding the hotel which was near the train station of Santa Lucia was both easy and convenient as we needed to travel on the morrow to Munich as well as make other rail ticket arrangements for our return trip from Vienna.  That bit settled we began snacking up this Princess of the Golfo. 
Past knowledge came in handy for a quick yet interesting tour of the most eye-catching features of the main island including the more historied calli and a spot or two like climbing up the Tower of San Marco which I had missed with hubby due to summer's thronging queues.

I also renewed my relationship with the sepe al nero, the lagoon's ink black sauced traditional pasta of Venice though homage to our meridiano 'homeland' was rendered with a mouth watering pizza alle vongole that I could not recollect having tasted better anywhere else I've been, though, of course I still have to do Naples ;-)

As it had been and still is, Venice is a painter's dream and therefore is by definition also a photographer's.  Though no Canaletto we took some elagiac images of her Majesty of the Sea, tasted her delicious abundance and let the culture have its storied ways with us.

In many ways, life as it once was, no cars, no pavements, no traffic signals except for sea craft and most importantly the size:  The measure of man.

Courtesy photo by friend +April Joan

Thanks for viewing,


1 comment:

Unknown said...

You look stunning, I admire your coat and scarf so much,you look amazing!!! I am following you on gfc, i hope you do the same.Yo got a lovely meal in front of you, yum!